Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some commonly asked questions about Vernus international school, its curriculum and its education systems that may help you understand us better.

We are a Boutique School and we’re a new school so every child will get lots of personal attention, care and support. We believe in the holistic development of children and we are not just focused on academics. We find each individual child’s strengths and talents and we build on them to give them confidence to solve unfamiliar problems. Because of the current situation, we know that children need an extra-boost of support to give them that reassurance so we’re really focusing on their social and emotional well-being.

Vernus International School (VIS) will be a community hub, within the Dubai Silicon Oasis Community.  Our school will be open for the community place to socialize, meet people from the community and to host events and activities. Our community school will offer a broad and balanced curriculum that provides children with opportunities to develop life skills and attitudes needed to be successful in the workplace.

We have a US curriculum based on the Californian Common Core State Standards, however, this will be delivered through Project-Based Learning.

Project-Based Learning (PBL) is a student-centered learning approach in which students are actively engaged in real-world meaningful projects. Students are assigned projects that may extend over a duration of one week, a month, or a term. They delve into a

thinking process that helps them answer questions posed by peers and/or teachers to achieve results necessary for project progression.

The projects assigned are inter-disciplinary, so students will be utilizing their faculties and the resources present in their environments and across school subjects. They will be working in groups, actively using their critical thinking skills, knowledge of math and science, research on history, and artistic tendencies to accomplish the outcomes required to complete assigned projects. As a result, students develop tangible material knowledge along with critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication skills.

Unlike traditional learning where classrooms are teacher centered, PBL places the focus solely on the student. PBL classrooms are not lecture-driven, in fact Teachers teach everywhere but the “front of the classroom”.  They serve as “active participants” continually rotating around the classroom, guiding students as they lead their own investigations/researching and learning. At an early age, the child learns to become independent, curious about, and in charge of his learning

Assessments at Vernus International School will be ongoing formative and summative evaluations. Teachers will assess students’ progress on their critical thinking, content mastery and application, participation, presentation styles, and investigative approach.

Yes. Vernus International School helps students discover and hone their interests in life at an early age. Our vision is to help our little ones find and nurture the doctor, lawyer, musician, artist, engineer, baker, athlete, astronomer, even farmer in them and guide them along their paths towards success.

All our children are required to practice and master English, Arabic, and French. Our language classes are integrated into our curriculum from as early as Pre-K through to grade 5, and to 12th grade as the school grows.

Students will have choices of volleyball, basketball, football, swimming, general exercise via Physical Education and Project-Based Learning activities and assignments. Part of Vernus International School being a PBL based school, our sports and activities are embedded into the curriculum and lessons. Classes are multidisciplinary and will include lessons conducted across the astronomy room, hydroponics room, media and drama room, cooking room, and even the gymnasium.

Our class sizes of no more than 24 students will include 2 certified adults in each class – Class Teacher and Teacher Assistant. Both will have a strong background knowledge in American common core curriculum and PBL.

We are a multinational environment that reflects the diversity of the UAE.

All our teachers are from all over the world, many of them have worked for our group for many years.  They are specialists in both the American curriculum and teaching the early years and elementary years.  Alongside this we have a SEN specialist to ensure that all students from the gifted and talented to those that require additional support are given the best opportunities to learn and succeed.

Pre-K children should be prepared for being in a setting without their parents. It is also important to start encouraging your child to be independent in eating, dressing and tidying up.  We would also encourage you to develop your child’s social skills with other children the same age, this can be done by joining parenting groups, play groups or sending your child to nursery.  Being toilet trained is a requirement for all children entering Pre-K.

KHDA is the Knowledge and Human Development Authority that regulates Private Schools within Dubai.

KHDA registration is prescribed by the Dubai Government for legitimate residence in the country and proper registration in a Dubai School.

Failure to comply may result in the school taking punitive action as mandated by KHDA, and this may range from temporary suspension to cancellation of admission.  The school will handle this process with you.

A constructive partnership between the school and parents is key to ensuring students ‘well-being’ is at the core their educational experience. It is beneficial for all concerned if this partnership is based on agreed terms and conditions set out clearly in a contract developed by the school and issued by KHDA. Parents are required to sign the Parent School Contract for each academic year (this is a mandatory KHDA requirement).

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